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Re: [MacPerl] Welcome to America!

>Nope.  I created the entire list via MacPerl.  Downloaded HTML web
>pages, massaged the data, and wrote it out to the hard drive.  BBEdit
>says it's a Macintosh file.  I can read the file via Chipmunk Basic,
>RealBasic, CodeWarrior C/C++, and Think C v6.0.  No problem.  MacPerl -
>gags.  And that's with MacPerl set to 60000K.  That's right - 60MB of
>memory.  That's why I'm wondering about if it is just me or has
>something to do with MacPerl.  I tend to feel that it will turn out to
>be something >I<'ve done.  Since I don't think anyone else is
>experiencing these problems.  :-/

I think that the response about a UNIX file was to indicate that the <HANDLE>
reading technique reads to the first found newline (carriage return in MacPerl).
 If you don't have any carriage returns, it will read in the entire file.  In
BBedit, turn off "soft wrap" to see how many lines you actually have.  Also, you
may want to check to see if you are altering (or any modules that you are using
are altering) the $/ special variable.  This variable determines what character
string delimits a record, and is a newline by default.


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