You made two main errors. One, you did not notice that the libnet distribution comes with MacPerl already, and new versions can be had from Paul Schinder's site ( Second, you did not read the directions for installing modules under MacPerl, which are in the book, and on CPAN ( Also, if you are going to build stuff under MacPerl, you really need to set things up in a special way if you don't want to spend many days figuring it out, and this is described in the book. If you can't buy it, you can see it online at the PTF site. -- Chris Nandor %PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10 1FF77F13 8180B6B6']) ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to