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Re: [MacPerl] CGI & Web Sharing

At 02.45 -0500 1998.11.01, Charles A. Sha'ban wrote:
>I am unable to run my CGIs through Apple Web Sharing, I have MacPerl 5.2
>installed, and I defined it as a postprocess in the Web Sharing? Any help
>please, I need mainly to test my CGIs offline.

I set mine as "filter" and they worked.  I meant to mention this last week.

If anyone else tries this out, please report back to the list, and maybe
someone can write up an authoritative entry in the FAQ.  My few tests were
inconclusive, but here is what I seem to remember:

1.  Set one MacPerl CGI as a filter (ACGI or CGI).
2.  All MacPerl CGIs work after that.
3.  Seems to be that the Web Sharing in Mac OS 8.5 goes by type/creator or
something, so you choose one, and all of that type work.  Either that, or
it just says, "well, this other one was a filter, so I'll guess and make
this one a filter, too".

Oh, and if the Web Sharing in Mac OS 8.5 is anything like previus versions
(according to a friend of mine at Apple), it does not distinguish between
ACGI and CGI, but treats everything like an ACGI, which is probably good
for most things, but probably bad for some MacPerl users, for whom that
would increase the liklihood of the CGI freezing.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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