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Re: [MacPerl] scripting eudora within macperl

Sorry for the delay in responding to Jeff Clites's message of last Friday.

The mystery is that the applescript works if $msg is given directly, as in

@msg = ("this is a test message\n", "and this is the second line\n");
$msg = join("", @msg);

but not if @msg is read from a file.  In the latter case, the script runs,
but with no visible result in Eudora -- no new messages windows, no error
message, nothing.

Line breaks don't seem to be the problem.  No doubt you're right about
quotation marks, but they're not the big issue, either.  I'm pretty sure
the AS syntax for the body of the message is correct; an alternative would

set body of message 0 to \"$msg\"

but that doesn't work either.

This is from a script that worked a year ago - earlier MacPerl, earlier
MacOS, same Eudora.  I've tried it with various test message files.  I'm


>In article <mac-perl.v03020900b268ba9df127@[]>, Ken Pierce
><kpierce@MIT.EDU> wrote:
>>>Could we see the code that causes what you posted to break?
>Two ideas:
>> set field "" of message 0 to \"$msg\"
>Is this the correct way to set the message text--set field ""?
>Also: if your message contains quotation marks, then this is going to
>throw off Eudora, because AppleScript will see them as terminating the
>string which you are setting "" to. So, you'll need to escape them, maybe
>$msg =~ s/"/\\"/g;
>Also, I'm not sure how AS feels about multiple lines in a string--do you
>need continuation characters, or some other mechanism?
>I hope one of these helps.
>If not, one more clarification request: how does it fail? Do you get an
>error message from Eudora or MacPerl, or does it work except for a null
>message? (In other words, I don't see anything blatantly wrong, so we'll
>need the details to help further.)
>Jeff Clites                Online Editor           http://www.MacTech.com/
>online@MacTech.com         MacTech Magazine
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