At 2:58 PM -0800 11/16/98, Aiken, Greg wrote: } I know that 'time()' returns the number of elapsed seconds between } 01-01-1970 and the instant the function is called. No, in MacPerl it doesn't. It returns the elapsed time between the Mac zero of time, midnight Jan 1 1904 localtime, and the present, in seconds. } If however, one } wanted to compare two points in time in Perl, it would appear to me that } Perl would need to provide the following function: } } elapsed_seconds_between_01-01-70_and_user_specified_date/time('yyyy-mm- } dd hh:mm:ss'); } } Unless this function exists, how would one accurately perform the } comparison? I've tried to call 'time()' passing in dates, but nothing } seems to happen, and I can not find any documentation indicating what } type of parameter, if any, 'time' accepts. It doesn't accept any. You want to look at the following with Shuck: localtime (under Builtin Functions), timelocal (in Time::Local, in your MacPerl lib folder), and at the various time routines in the POSIX module. You also want to go to CPAN <> and look around. There are alot of CPAN modules to deal with dates and time. Most will work under MacPerl. } } Yes, I realize I could 'hack' at this function myself. But there are } probably enough special rules (ie; leap years - unless evenly divided by } 100, daylight savings, etc...) that I would not be knowledgeable about - } that my seconds surely would not match the seconds returned by 'time()'. } Any help would be appreciated. } ----- Paul J. Schinder ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to