hello. I am trying to get one of the Perl one liners from TPJ#11 to work on a Mac. the source is almost unreadable (to me - black on grey could be construed as less than readble in my opinion) in the magazine, and isn't available online - yet. so...what I have is... -----------code----------- #!/usr/bin/perl @theGifs = <*.gif>; use GD; $f = 'ffffff'; $T = table; sub p{print @_} p"<body bgcolor=$f>"; for(@theGifs) { open*G,$_ or(warn("$_: $!")&&next); $g=GD::Image->newFromGif(G) || (warn$_, ": GD Error"and next); @c=map{$_!=$g->transparent?sprintf'#'.('%.2x'x3),$g->rgb($_):$f}0..$g->colorsTo tal; p"<$T border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"; ($x,$y)=$g->getBounds; for $j(0..$y) {p"<tr>"; for($i=0; $i<x; $i++) {$s=1; $s++&&$i++while($i+1<$x&&$g->getPixel($i+1,$j)==$g->getPixel($i,$j)); p"<td bgcolor=", $c[$g->getPixel($i,$j)]," colspan=$s> "}}p"</$T>"} -----end code---------------- which compiles fine, but then prints out: <body bgcolor=ffffff><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><t r><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr><tr> (ad infinitum) no matter which gif I feed into the process. what subtle or gross error am I making here? anyone? andrew mckenzie ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch