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Re: [MacPerl] libwww-perl-5.41 now available

At 03.01 -0500 1998.12.22, Rich Morin wrote:
>IMHO, there are three problems here:
>  *  It isn't as easy as it should be for Mac users to access the CPAN,
>     unpack tar.gz archives, etc.  This needs some technology and/or dox.

Agreed, and somewhat in progress.  We have docs that seem to work for most
people who read them, in the book.

>  *  MacPerl wizards aren't pushing their ports back into the faces of
>     the mainstream (read, Unix) Perl developers.

I am not sure what this means.  You mean when we port modules, we don't
push the changes back?  I don't think that is the case.  Few modules need
porting, and when they do, Paul and I both feed changes back.  Sometimes
they are accepted, sometimes not.

>  *  There isn't an easy way for someone to know if a script has been
>     "ported" to MacPerl.  Some sort of flag fields in the indexes?

I think that getting module authors ot make changes, in addition to CPAN
Testers, is the way to go.  I have mentioned before I have no time to
continue testing MacPerl for CPAN Testers, and Paul is busy testing other
platforms, and does the occasional MacPerl module.  We need someone else(s)
to help here if it is to work.  CPAN Testers can be a central place to see
if a module works, and the notes there can point to ports or note what
changes need to be made.

But as noted several times before, we need people to help.  I decided I was
not going to kill myself doing something that other people can do; if
people find it important enough to get done, it will get done.  If they do
not find it important, it will not get done, and there is no sense in me
doing something people don't want done.

I think people _do_ want modules tested for MacPerl compatability, so I am
having a tough time figuring out why people aren't lining up to help.  :/

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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