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[MacPerl] justifying command key equivalent hints in menus

How does one justify command key equivalent hints in MacPerl menus so that
the command key symbols line up?  A sample script is below.

David Seay



use Mac::Menus;
use Mac::Events;

$m="\$menu = new MacMenu 2048, \"$options[0]\", \(\n";
for ($z = 1;$z < @options;$z++) { $m .= "    \[\"$options[$z]\"\,
\\&Handler\]\,\n" }
eval "$m\)";

WaitNextEvent until defined $Menu;

dispose $menu;

sub Handler {
	my($menu,$item) = @_;
	$choice = substr($options[$item],0,index($options[$item],"\t"));
	print "You selected \"$choice\" from the \"$options[0]\" menu.\n";
	$Menu = $item;

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