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Re: [MacPerl] Outputting to a printer

At 16.08 -0500 1999.01.07, Larry Moore wrote:
>>Other than that, you can use Apple Events or AppleScript to direct a
>>program to print something.  Tested to work with SimpleText (ttxt) and
>>BBEdit 5.0 (R*ch): <snip>
>>You can do more complicated events to print active windows, and specify
>>printing options, etc.  But it depends on the target app.
>a) By simple substitution, this will cause SimpleText to print a dragged_on
>text file:

>        NewAliasMinimal($ARGV[0]));


>b) Now, do_event wants a filename for its third parameter, and I'd like to
>print the clipboard contents.

Well, you can do this:

  # untested code
  package Dartmouth;

  package main;
  my $file = $ENV{TMPDIR} . time();
  open(TEMP, "> $file") or die $!;
  print TEMP Dartmouth::Clipboard();

And then use NewAliasMinimal($file).  That might work.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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