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Re: [MacPerl] Outputting to a printer (corrected)

a) Droplet will speak files dropped onto it, and from the clipboard - isn't
terminated by Apple-Period combination (as I'd expect, paralleling aborting
a print job.)

b) Moving an alias to whole droplet into the AppleMenuItems folder opens a
perl window but doesn't speak,  but I'll now make the .pl file as
recommended - (I assume it goes into the site-perl folder?) and follow the
procedure you advise ...

c) Moved the whole droplet into the AppleMenuItems folder, it works as a
pulldown to speak the clipboard. My lady has mentioned a couple of concerns:

the droplet as pulldown seizes control, doesn't allow picking other
operations from the Apple menu, Menus, etc, while it speaks;
Apple-Period doesn't terminate the speaking and while Option-Apple-esc will
terminate, it requests resetting the system.

Otherwise, she's happy that she has something useful even at this stage of
development. Thanks for your help and advice.

The world is one country and mankind, its citizens.

Larry Moore and Shirley Allan
Union Street West
Fergus ON Canada

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