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[MacPerl] accessing an image file from MacPerl?

Hi all,

I have an image file and i want to allow users to access it through a web
page, but i want the user to be able to select a region of the image from a
text link....ie click on a text link and only show a small section of the
image bounded by specific coordinates (depending on which link is clicked).
My question is would i be able to use Macperl to read an image file and and
only select and return a small portion of the image? Also, if this is not
possible with perl....could anybody point me in the direction of way in
which this may be done?

thank you


Dr Adam Witney,
Malaria Program,
Naval Medical Research Center,
12300 Washington Avenue,
Rockville, MD 20852

Tel: 301 295 1821
Fax: 301 295 6171

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