At 4:49 PM -0500 1/22/99, Chris Nandor wrote: } OK, I am going to put together a real package for users and patches for } Andreas Koenig for tomorrow. I think it is all pretty stable now. } } } Paul, did I miss anything? And if I need a special version of any one of } these, please let me know (i.e., if any changes need to be made). The fixed Archive::Tar I sent you to allow MacOS writing of tar files, or do you just want this to be read only for now? (The patch I sent to Steve Zander will be in the next Archive::Tar.) We also know there's a small bug in Archive::Tar, the one that bit me on SunOS, for which we should just wait for the fix. But it may mean that unpacking gzipped tar files might occasionally mysteriously fail until it gets fixed. Otherwise, everything looks fine. } } There will be an install script that will install everything for you. The } only thing the user will need to do is have a good PPC or CFM68K } installation of MacPerl 5.2.0r4, and have enough memory allocated to } MacPerl (10MB or more for untargzipme, 30MB or more for } } I know it is a lot of RAM. Not much I can do about it. } } Thanks, } } -- } Chris Nandor } %PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10 1FF77F13 8180B6B6']) } ----- Paul J. Schinder ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to