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[MacPerl] Re: Majordomo and posting as a "nonsubscriber"

<x-flowed>> At 15:21 -0800 2/22/99, John W Baxter wrote:
>> At 10:30 -0800 2/22/99, Vicki Brown wrote:
>>>   I know there is a way to tell Majordomo to allow postings from 
>>> certain addresses but not to send the list to those - do we have 
>>> any Majordomo experts here?
>> One sets up a separate file--typically in the directory where 
>> Majordomo keeps lists (which can be managed as a list:  it *is* a 
>> list if it's in that directory and does not have a "." in the 
>> name). The file has one email address per line, each representing 
>> an account which can post to the list although not a member.
>> Managing that file as a (closed) list allows email modifications 
>> to it...the way to go if one lacks direct access.
> But what do I call it?
> And how do I tell Majordomo it is "linked" to the "real" list?

You call it whatever you like (subject to conventions of the 
Majordomo installation you're dealing with).  And a name related to 
the list(s) it refers to is nice.

If you want to manage it as a list, you do not include a . in the 
name...if you want to ensure that it CAN'T be managed as a list, you 
do include a period.

So...for a hypothetical list named "macperl" you might name it
   (if you want to manage it as a list), or
   (if you don't).

You tell Majordomo about it in the


file (which you manage, probably, using the config and newconfig 
email commands).  It is the "restrict_post" thing in the config file 
(here's one of modified to use macperl, again):

	# restrict_post        [restrict_post] (undef) <resend>
	# If defined only address listed in one of the files (colon or
	# space separated) can post to the mailing list. This is less
	# useful than it seems it should be since there is no way to create
	# these files if you do not have access to the machine running
	# resend. This mechanism will be replaced in a future version of
	# majordomo/resend.
restrict_post       = 

That location is rather non-standard.

The line says that only people in the mailing list file itself, or in 
the macperlextra file can post.  Hint:  the same file could apply to 
more than one list...perhaps all the lists in the new set of MacPerl 

The value is a : separated list of file paths.

 Note that the listname.config file is executed as Perl source.

The mechanism will change, I think, for Majordomo 2.  It will still 
be there in some form.


John Baxter   jwblist@olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach him to fish,
and you get rid of him for the weekend.
