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Re: [MacPerl] tie

A little while back...I posted while having some problems with the tie
routine...I wasn't able to implenent all advice at that point and have
since returned to my problems...

Anyway, I implemented Chris's suggestions (thank you very much BTW)

In fact Chris told me...

>It is not tie(), it is the DB_File module itself that has problems sometimes.

Now here's a new test script...

#!perl -w

use DB_FILE;

tie (%admin, 'DB_File', 'admin.info', O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644) or die
"couldn't tie it: $!";

$admin{'jason'} = 'name';
$admin{'blue'} = 'eyecolor';
$admin{'sixfoot'} = 'height';

untie (%admin);

What I get back here now is...

# Argument "O_SVWST" isn't numeric in entersub.
File 'WebMonkey:MacPerl Ä:lib:DB_FILE.pm'; Line 240

Alpha (I'm using the option-Command-R) opens up the DB_FILE.pm and
highlights the

>    DoTie_($tieHASH, @arg) ;

that is part of the following sub in DB_FILE.pm

sub tie_hash_or_array
    my (@arg) = @_ ;
    my $tieHASH = ( (caller(1))[3] =~ /TIEHASH/ ) ;

    $arg[4] = tied %{ $arg[4] }
    if @arg >= 5 && ref $arg[4] && $arg[4] =~ /=HASH/ && tied %{ $arg[4] } ;

    DoTie_($tieHASH, @arg) ;

Anyone know where...."O_SVWST" comes from?
Anyone have a clue to help me get started on fixing this?

Thanks again in advance!


Jason White
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