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Re: [MacPerl] not following aliases

At 11:06 AM -0600 3/10/99, Chris Nandor wrote:
>At 11.48 -0500 1999.03.10, Dave Lorand wrote:
>>Anyway, when the script which uses File::Find encounters an alias to an
>>AppleShare server in the "Recent Servers" folder of the Apple Menu Items
>>Folder, it mounts the server and scans everything on it.  I would like to
>>detect when a file is an alias, get what information I can without
>>following it, and prune the find.  Here's a copy my &wanted:
>The -l file test tells you if a file is an alias.  Is that what you wanted?

That's half of it.  My other question is, which of the toolbox calls I'm
making will cause the alias to be followed?  I'd like to get as much info
as I can on aliases without actually following them.

Here are those toolbox calls again:

sub wanted {
    my (%info, $info, $finfo, $pathname);
    $pathname = $File::Find::name;

    $info{dir}   = $File::Find::dir;
    $info{name}  = $_;
    $info{dSize} = -s $pathname;

    $info  = FSpGetCatInfo($pathname);
    $finfo = $info->ioFlFndrInfo;

    $info{rSize}    = $info->ioFlRLgLen;
    $info{cDate}    = $info->ioDrMdDat;
    $info{mDate}    = $info->ioFlMdDat;
    $info{creator}  = $finfo->fdCreator;
    $info{type}     = $finfo->fdType;

    $::files{$pathname} = \%info;


| Dave Lorand, Programmer/Analyst   | davel@src.uchicago.edu |
| Social Science Research Computing | 773-702-3792           |
| University of Chicago             | 773-702-2101 (fax)     |
 ---> finger davel@cicero.src.uchicago.edu for my PGP key <--

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