Still trying to parse a Hypercard text extract with gratuitious Carriage Returns with the following script (debugging statements included) #!perl -w $iput = "AddressDelimited.txt"; # name the file $oput = "Report"; # ditto open (IN, "<$iput") or die ("Input File '$iput' open failed\n"); open (OUT,">$oput") or die ("Output File '$oput' open failed\n"); $lineCnt = 0; $leftover = 0; $saveSeq = ""; # $saveSeqNum = 0; $previousLine = ""; #-------- MAIN LOOP -------------------- print ("main loop\n"); while (defined($line = <IN>)) { $lineCnt++; print OUT ("****** RECORD $lineCnt READ **********\n"); print ("****** RECORD $lineCnt READ **********\n"); @line = split (/XZX/,$line); for ($fldNum = 0; $fldNum <= $#line; $fldNum++) { if ($leftover == 1) { brokenLine(); } elsif (($fldNum == $#line) || ($line =~ m/ZXZ/) ) { lastLine(); } else { print OUT ("Field $fldNum: $line[$fldNum]\n"); } } $saveSeq = chomp($line); #save line in case it is incomplete #and needs to be concatenated with subsequent #lines } print ("$lineCnt records read \n"); close (IN); close (OUT); #----------------------- SUBROUTINES ------------------------ sub brokenLine { print("brokenLine\n"); #--- keep putting the field seqments together until we have end-of-record if ( $line[$fldNum] =~ m/ZXZ/ ) { @endLine = split(/ZXZ/,$line); $leftover = 0; $previousLine = $saveSeg.$endLine[0]; print OUT ("Field $fldNum: $line[$fldNum]\n"); } else { $leftover = 1; $previousLine = $saveSeg.$line; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------- sub lastLine { print("lastLine\n"); if ($line[$#line] eq "ZXZ") { $saveSeg = $line[$#line]; $leftover= 0; } else { $leftover = 1; print OUT ("Field $fldNum: $line[$fldNum]\n"); } } ************************************ I get the following error messages at run-time from the sub-routine I called brokenLine from the expression $previousLine = $saveSeg.$line; ************************************ V V V V main loop ****** RECORD 1 READ ********** lastLine ****** RECORD 2 READ ********** brokenLine # Use of uninitialized value, <IN> chunk 2. File 'DorjeJigje:Programming:MacPerl Ä:Noe's Perl Stuff:addRpt3'; Line 68 ****** RECORD 3 READ ********** brokenLine # Use of uninitialized value, <IN> chunk 3. File 'DorjeJigje:Programming:MacPerl Ä:Noe's Perl Stuff:addRpt3'; Line 68 ****** RECORD 4 READ ********** brokenLine # Use of uninitialized value, <IN> chunk 4. File 'DorjeJigje:Programming:MacPerl Ä:Noe's Perl Stuff:addRpt3'; Line 68 brokenLine etc..... incrementing the chunk number..... It is probably elementary, but I don't know where to look up the error. Help! Noe \\\ (@v@) W ( O ) // | | // / ? |/ // | ||| \ M| /\ | || || || || LL LL ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to