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Re: [MacPerl] Mac::Navigation glue

At 00.11 -0400 1999.04.09, Mark Yannuzzi wrote:
>1) Why must the use Mac::Events statement appear within the embedded
>subroutine in order to work properly?  I tried placing it at the beginning
>of my script with my other use statements, and got an error saying
>DispatchEvent subroutine was undefined.  Is this, in general, necessary when
>calling 'external' module functions/structures in embedded subroutines?

use Some::Module imports symbols from that package, if any, into the
current namespace.  Your passed subroutine is being used in a different

Now, if you put use Mac::Events at the top of the file, and call
Mac::Events::DispatchEvent($_[1]->event) like you did, it should work,
becuase there is no DispatchEvent to call, only Mac::Events::DispatchEvent.
Another thing to try would be something like this at the top of the program

   package Mac::Navigation;  # or whatever package will be using the sub
   use Mac::Events;

   package main;
   # now do everything else

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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