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[MacPerl] Line at a time mail client

Help me before I reinvent the wheel again :-)

Last night, my wife (using a *MAC*) had her secretary send her some 100+
megabyte attachments by email which caused all her email software to croak.
The attachments were no big deal (she could have walked down the hall and
gotten them on a ZIP disk) but it meant the rest of her mail file was
unuseable, and she stores oodles of email messages there.  I solved the
problem by downloading the mail spool file, and writing a *PERL* script to
copy out all of the messages not from her secretary into a new file which I
then put back into her spool, thus becoming a hero.

Similar email disasters happen often and I was thinking that knocking off a
quick, portable perl script (which could be run in *MacPerl*, for example)
to solve them generically.  The key is that most (all?) email programs
slurp an entire email message into memory, whereas what I plan to write
would deal with email one line at a time, thus obviating the message size
problem. I think such a program might be something that would please the
Author of my story, but only if it hadn't already been done.

Has it?


David Steffen, Ph.D.
President, Biomedical Computing, Inc. <http://www.biomedcomp.com/>
Phone: (713) 610-9770 FAX: (713) 610-9769 E-mail: steffen@biomedcomp.com

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