>> Have you looked at FaceSpan from Digital Technology >> (www.facespan.com)? It's a GUI development tool in which objects are >> backed up by applescript routines. > >Yes. FaceSpan yields slower final products, isn't threaded, doesn't have a >debugger, doesn't use an object-oriented language, can't talk to ODBC >datasources, can't cross-compile with Windows, and doesn't have a cool cool >cool sprite engine. To the best of my knowledge, FaceSpan also isn't >appearance-savvy, and doesn't support double-byte script systems. RealBasic >does all of the above; its O'Reilly book is in editing. RB costs about as >much as FaceSpan, a little more for the full price, a little less at the >education rate. You're right about the speed. FS is slow, esp on pre-8.5 Macs. The threading isn't an issue for most MacOS applications, nor the lack of a true debugger, although AppleScript does do a decent job of reporting errors before use. FaceSpan is appearance-savvy, last I checked, and the nature of the AppleScript language is categorized as object-oriented. > >I'd honestly be willing to overlook pretty much all of the above, except I >can't stand applescript's syntax, and the idea of writing even a moderately >complicated application with it makes me break out in a cold sweat. I'm >not a >huge fan of RealBasic syntax either, but it's substantially clearer and more >consistent than AS, and there's a lot more documentation available than >there's ever been in the applescript world. > >Clearly, if you're already comfortable and skilled with applescript, facespan >makes a good proposition, but RB brings a lot more to the table. > > -nat > You might also want to check out SuperCard by IncWell. It's language (based on xTalk) is much easier to understand than RealBasic's, and has an incredible AppleEvent/AppleScript engine. Also, it's had 10 years to mature, where RB is still in many respects, the new 'kid' on the block. I suspect that as time passes, RB will mature. The environment around it and the developers working on it remind me of the old days of SuperCard when it was a product of Silicon Beach software. Both products warrant a close look by any serious MacOS software developer. Currently, SuperCard has far superior documentation, there are three books on it out of print, and two new ones in the process of being printed, as well as a video tutorial and a ton of online tutorials in the works. Another cool feature of the SuperCard language is the ability to customize the project editor, or roll your own, as it's written in SuperCard, too. RB lacks any such customization, so power users are restricted by the same interface that makes it easy to use for beginners. Other reasons you might want to look at SC include the ability to convert your apps to web-based apps that run with the cross-platform SuperCard Browser Plug-in, and integrated speech recognition. Ever since I was first able to say "new button" and watch SC create a new button, I've been hooked. I don't want to come across as saying that I think SC is better than RB for everything, it isn't. I have a ton of software that I use here at my lab that was written in RB, and I'm writing two magazine articles on RB for Mac mags this week. Plus, one of my RB projects rolls in a few grand a month (how I did this will be the topic of one of these articles). However, SuperCard was my authoring environent of choice for the last four commercial ports I did, and I'm using it for 10 of 12 commercial products I'm working on this month. Also, the beta version (and future versions) of PerlSlinger will be soon released as open source, and it was written in SuperCard. One could say I'm high on Mac::Glue today. One of my commercial products will be released in August on MacOS, WinNT/98, and Unix via MetaCard. MC builds faster products (an order of magnitude, it seems at times) than RB or SC, but their Mac interface depresses me. And it will probably depress anyone who's used a Mac before. It's essentially a port of their Unix version. But since it relies on an entirely custom engine, and makes very few MacOS toolbox calls, it's very very very fast. facespan.com -- facespan incwell.com -- supercard metacard.com -- metacard realbasic.com -- realbasic -- my .18752 cents -Chilton ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to macperl-request@macperl.org