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[MacPerl] GIFgraph report and question

Thank you all for the suggestion to use GIFgraph. I have gotten a copy from CPAN, begun to familiarize myself and am having a great time with it. It does make attractive graphs and appears to provide all the functionality that I need.

I do have a question regarding usage for those familiar with the module. When I attempt to set the font for some text component I get an error message. First, a calling code snippet:


Now the error:

# Can't call method "width" without a package or object reference.
File 'Lulu:Applications:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:GIFgraph.pm'; Line 190

And lastly, here is a snipped from GIFgraph.pm where the error occurs:

    sub set_title_font # (fontname)
        my $self = shift;

        $self->{tf} = shift;
        $self->set(                     <--------- Line 190
			tfw => $self->{tf}->width,
			tfh => $self->{tf}->height,

Any thoughts on the origin of this problem or what I can do to solve it would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Joseph A. DiVerdi, Ph.D.                      970.221.3982 (voice)    
diverdi@XTRsystems.com (email)                970.224.3723 (fax)
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