On Wed, May 26, 1999 at 04:20:49PM -0700, darrylc@eznet.com wrote: } } Anyone have an answer to this question? } } Darryl Caldwell darrylc@eznet.com } } "kiku wa ittoki no haji | kikanu wa matsudai no haji" } Asking a question is only embarrasing just for that moment. } Not asking is embarrasing and it will haunt you for the rest } of your life. -- Japanese Proverb } } } } ---------- Forwarded message ---------- } Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 07:50:18 -0700 (PDT) } From: Creede Lambard <creede@penguinpowered.com> } To: Darryl Caldwell <darrylc@eznet.com> } Subject: Question } } Can you ask around on the MacPerl mailing list to see if there's a way to } open an intact resource fork, bypassing the toolbox? I know you can use } Mac::Resources to get at the underlying resources, but I want to manage the } resource fork as a whole. Thanks. You mean as if it were a file/byte stream? POSIX::open can do it. Take a look at CPAN/authors/id/S/SC/SCHINDER/Mac-Conversions-1.00.tar.gz for an example that does native Mac <-> MacBinary, where you need to do this. } } Creede Lambard :: Know what happens when you rush a } creede - @t - moosylvania.net :: miracle man? } Minister of Irregular Expressions :: You get lousy miracles. } Programming Republic of Perl :: -- Miracle Max, The Princess Bride } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } I am a Washington state resident. $500 penalty for unsolicited } commercial e-mail. Finger spaminfo@igor.penguinpowered.com for info. } } } -- Paul Schinder schinder@pobox.com ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to macperl-request@macperl.org