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Re: [MacPerl] Portable code

On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 04:48:38PM -0400, Chris Nandor wrote:
> There are various methods.  The Perl Cookbook goes over some of them.  One
> I use  is:
>   if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
>     require "Mac/Module.pm";  # yes, "/" does work here on a Mac
>     Mac::Module->import;
>   }
> One drawback here is that subroutines are not seen at compile time, so you
> cannot use bareword names.  For instance, if you would normally use this
> code:
>   use Mac::AppleEvents;
>   print typeType;
> It now has to be:
>   require "Mac/AppleEvents.pm";
>   Mac::AppleEvents->import;
>   print typeType();
> etc.  But other than that, it works fine.

Would this not work?

  require "Mac/AppleEvents.pm";

print typeType;


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