Here is a quick script adapted from an AppleScript included with the MRJ SDK. Install Mac::Glue, create a glue for Apple Applet Runner (I called my glue MRJ), run an applet in Apple Applet Runner, and run this script. You also need UnderMethods, included below. #!perl -w # show AWT components in a window # # taken from an AppleScript example in MRJ SDK 2.2 EA1 # doesn't work with MRJ 2.2a1 use strict; use Mac::Glue; use UnderMethods; my $java = new Mac::Glue 'MRJ'; for ($java) { print list_comps(obj(window => 1)); } sub list_comps { my $ref = shift; my $pre = shift || ''; my $rst = sprintf "%s%s", $pre, comp_name($ref); $pre .= " "; my $c = get(prop(component_count => $ref)); for my $i (1 .. $c) { my $obj = obj(component => $i => $ref); if (check($obj, belongs_to => 'Container')) { $rst .= list_comps($obj, $pre); } else { $rst .= sprintf "%s%s", $pre, comp_name($obj); } } return $rst; } sub comp_name { my $ref = shift; my $obj = get(prop(name => $ref)) || 'anonymous'; my $class = (split m/\./, get(prop(name => of => class => $ref)))[-1]; return "$class $obj\n"; } __END__ package UnderMethods; use strict; use overload; use Carp; use vars '$AUTOLOAD'; sub import { no strict 'refs'; *{ caller() . "::AUTOLOAD" } = \&AUTOLOAD; } sub AUTOLOAD { my($ref) = (overload::StrVal($_) =~ /^(?:(.*)\=)?(?:[^=]*)\((?:[^\(]*)\)$/); croak "Undefined subroutine &$AUTOLOAD called" unless $ref; (my $name = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; my $func = $_->can($name); confess "Can't call method `$name' in $ref" unless $func; unshift @_, $_; goto &$func; } 1; __END__ -- Chris Nandor %PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10 1FF77F13 8180B6B6']) ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to