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[MacPerl] Complex sort(?)

Okay, my turn to be clueless...

I have a page of links (http://www.mycoinfo.com/mycoinfolinks.html), 
which needs to be alphabetized two ways.  First, the various headings 
need to be in alphabetical order, and second, items within the headings 
need to be alphabetized.

Doing this by hand is simply too tedious. ;-)

The combination of regex and sort needed has got me flumoxed.  Is there 
someone out there willing to provide pointers to get me started?


# Fungal Parataxonomy                   Mycology Information (Mycoinfo)
# Webmaster, Staff Writer      **The World's First Mycology E-Journal**   
# <mailto:webmaster@mycoinfo.com>            <http://www.mycoinfo.com/> 
# First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you.
# Then you win.                                     --Mohandas Gandhi

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