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Re: [MacPerl] Complex sort(?)

>If you are using BBEdit, maybe LineSort:
>After you pay for it... :-{ it can sort using grep. It includes a 
>couple of patterns. I've used it to sort on 2nd column, then 3rd 
>column for example.

Hmm... This might make the job somewhat easier,  allowing me to sort 
lines within the headings without resorting to Perl.  However, moving the 
big blocks of text about based on the alphabetization of the headings 
seems to be a bit more than this plug-in is up to, perhaps.

>P.S. And all this time, I thought Fungal Parataxonomy was your name...

Just a fancy way of saying "Mushroom Identifier"...

Not really my job title, but something I'm called upon to do on occasion. 
 Rather a bit like being chief bottle washer, really.


# Fungal Parataxonomy                   Mycology Information (Mycoinfo)
# Webmaster, Staff Writer      **The World's First Mycology E-Journal**   
# <mailto:webmaster@mycoinfo.com>            <http://www.mycoinfo.com/> 
# First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you.
# Then you win.                                     --Mohandas Gandhi

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