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Re: [MacPerl] sub-search match novice question

cc: Bart,
At 1:45 AM 9/5/99, Bart Lateur wrote:
>On Sat, 4 Sep 1999 22:51:28 -0400, Randy M. Zeitman wrote:
>>I'm matching a string to text file of records (rows). Each entry (column)
>>in each record is tab separated (a la spreadsheet).
>>But sometimes I want to only match against columns 2,3,and 4, of all
>                if("@field[2,4,7]" =~ /searchterm/) {
Note that this form no longer has the tabs to delineate fields in the
If you want the fields still delineated by tabs, use something like

    if(join("\t",@field[2,4,7]) =~ /searchterm/) {

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