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Re: [MacPerl] GD 1.20 and GIF Support

At 2:25 AM +0930 9/7/99, Henry Penninkilampi wrote:

} Chris Nandor <pudge@pobox.com> wrote:
} >Note: the GD module version 1.20 was just released (and 1.21, too) with GIF
} >support dropped and PNG support added.  I plan on building the most recent
} >GD module eventually, but will keep the most recent GIF-based GD up, too.
} Did I read this correctly?  GIF support is being *dropped* - as in, taken
} out?

Exactly.  Since gd now only does PNG, GD now only does PNG.  In fact,
earlier versions of GD convienently included a version of gd, while in
1.21, you need to get the seperate distributions for both gd and libpng.

} I assume the Compuserve legal issues are the primary motivation for this?

That's exactly the reason.

} Henry.

Paul J. Schinder

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