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Re: [MacPerl] Listing Folders and Subfolders

At 4:18 PM -0500 9/10/99, Robert Sweeney @DG&Astl wrote:
> I was asked to provide a directory tree for a website I'm working on, so I
>created the following code, which worked. My question of the more
>experienced MacPerl programmers: Was there a better/faster way to do this?

I like File::Find for this kind of thing; here's a working example:

# ls.pl - droplet: list Folders and Subfolders
# Written by Rich Morin, CFCL, 199909

use File::Find;

$startdir = $ARGV[0]; #drag and drop "root" folder on droplet version.

$| = 1;

sub wanted {
     print ">>> $File::Find::name\n" if (-d);

find(\&wanted, $startdir);

printf("\nThat's all, folks...\n");
Rich Morin:          rdm@cfcl.com, +1 650-873-7841, http://www.ptf.com/~rdm
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