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Re: [MacPerl] comparing image files

At 16:15 -0500 1999.09.10, Jefferson R. Lowrey wrote:
>At 8:07 AM -0700 9/10/99, Rich Morin wrote:
>>   *  expanding JPEGs into pixmaps

>I can't really help you with expanding into pixmaps, but I have a feeling
>that gd might be able to do it?

Only with GIFs (or PNGs, if you have the new one).  There is ImageMagick
that does JPEGs I think, but I don't know much about it.  And I really
don't have any ideas about comparing nonexact images, so I'll shut up now.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
%PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10  1FF77F13 8180B6B6'])

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