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[MacPerl] Re: Listing Folders and Subfol

Robert Sweeney @DG&Astl writes:
>> I was asked to provide a directory tree for a website I'm working on, so I
>>created the following code, which worked. My question of the more
>>experienced MacPerl programmers: Was there a better/faster way to do this?

I use this.
This is bit faster. But not fastest, maybe...


$dc = 0;
&listup($ARGV[0]) if -d $ARGV[0];

sub listup {
    my(@files) = @_;
    foreach $fd (@files) {
        $fd =~ /([^:]+):?$/;
        print "\t"x$dc, "$1\/\n";
        opendir(DIR, $fd);
        $fd =~ s/:$//; # volume?
        @files2 = grep {-d ($_="$fd:$_")} readdir(DIR);
        if(@files2) {

Toshiaki Umemura

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