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Re: [MacPerl] comparing image files

>Rich Morin wrote:
>I don't think I can get away with comparing JPEG images, because
>they are compressed.  OTOH, I feel sure that I can convince some
>package (once I find it :-) to expand JPEGs into pixmaps.

Would Chris Nandor's glue work on GraphicConverter (or some other graphic
program) to have MacPerl open each JPEG and then 'save as' an uncompressed
file? If not, I would think this could be done using MacPerl to issue
KeyQuencer commands (via the KeyQuencer's Hypercard XCMD) to do that job.
I've been able to automate many a mundane process using this powerful

I have quite a few JPEGs that have white backgrounds with the image in the
middle. An approach that tried to compare images by just looking at the
corners would not be able to distinguish between these.

David Seay

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