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Re: [MacPerl] Character translation problem

> Curly quotes.  Curly quotes in the Windows character set do not correspond
> to curly quotes in the Mac character set.  (That's probably a per-mil sign,
> rather than a percent sign.)
>> Now if I run:
>> ### now fix some funny characters
>> $text =~ s/\xE2/\'/g;   #apostraphe
>> $text =~ s/\xE3/\"/g;   #opening double quote
>> $text =~ s/\xE4/\"/g;   #closing double quote
>> in MacPerl, the problem gets fixed. Put the same file on the Unix server,
>> and it doesn't.
>> Any ideas?
> The process of putting the file on the Unix server probably changes those
> characters.  Can you figure out what the characters end up as after the
> transfer to Unix?
> Ronald

Well, I "Fetch"ed the file off the Unix server and used GeneralEdit Lite to
come up with 0xE2, 0xE3 and 0xE4. Tested the fix in MacPerl, then put the
file and fix on the server, and I still get the same result.

My next step will be to write a script on the server that reads an affected
file and prints out each word in ascii and hex, and see what shows up.


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