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[MacPerl] pod2html problems


Has anybody tried using pod2html with MacPerl. The code I use on the PC and
UNIX wont work. Im using perl 5.2.0r4 with Apples Personal Web Sharing
under MacOS 8.5.1:-

        use POD:HTML;
   which returns to the browser:-
        "# MacOS8.5:Web Pages:cgi-bin:perldoc.cgi: error changing to
directory .: No such file or directory"

   After a while I discoverd that using:-
   worked for the most part.

   However now and again I only get the diagnostic output:-
        # Scanning for sections in input file(s)
        # found :cgi-libgis.pl.
        File 'Technicalbasis
2:Development:perl:MacPerl5.2.0r4:lib:Pod:Html.pm';        Line 303
        # scanning for item cache
        # loading item cache
        # scanning for directory cache
        # loading directory cache
        # Converting input file
        # Finished
   and my document is missing.

This seems to be related to the different directory seperators used on the
Mac. I was wondering if anybody has sorted a workable set of the various
arguments used by pod2html

P.S. one of the really nice things about perl on NT is how transparently it
handles the difference between the directory seperators used on UNIX and
DOS. A pitty MacPerl cant do something similar.

Fergus McMenemie               Email:fergus@twig.demon.co.uk.
Technical Basis                Phone:0421 376 021

Unix/Mac/Intranets             Analyst Programmer

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