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Re: [MacPerl] HTML Entities decoding

At 16:52 -0500 1999.09.14, Matthew Langford wrote:
>I have an html file which I am parsing.  It has the HTML entity —
>which Netscape shows as "--", an em dash.  When I use
>HTML::Entities::decode, I get an o with a forward-slash top (love those
>technical descriptions, don't ya?.  I think it's the same letter as typing
>option-e, o on the Mac.

That is an o with an accent aigu on it (as opposed to the other direction,
which is an accent grave ... I forget the English words for them, I just
remember the French :).

>Can someone explain what is wrong?  It seems if Netscape knows how to
>translate properly, HTML::Entities should be able to, as well.  Is there
>another step that I'm missing?
>I would be grateful for the instruction.

It has to do with character encodings.  I'd bet that HTML::Entities is
using ISO Latin 1.  Most Mac fonts use MacRoman.  You'd need a
MacRoman<->Latin1 translation table.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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