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RE: [MacPerl] Glue Question

Chris, thanks for the input.

It doesn't return any errors.  In fact, I can't seem to make it error out no
matter what I do - even changing $data_file to point at something
non-existent, which causes the Applescript to crap out appropriately ("The
file could not be imported. (-43)").

Maybe DeltaGraph doesn't behave as well as other applications?

In case anyone else has any ideas, here's my script.  Kinda tough nut to
crack, though, without buying each of you your own copy of DeltaGraph...

#!perl -wl
use Mac::Glue ':all';
use strict;

my $obj = new Mac::Glue 'DeltaGraph';

my $data_file = $obj->obj(file => "Mercatone Uno:Desktop Folder:Buying
my $output_file = $obj->obj(file => "Mercatone Uno:Desktop

$obj->data("Blah", as_type => enum('tab_delimited'), from_file =>
die $^E if $^E;

$obj->plot_options(colorstyle => enum('default_color'), text_font =>
"Palatino", text_size => 18);
die $^E if $^E;

$obj->output(enum('jpeg'), to_file => $output_file);
die $^E if $^E;

$obj->plot_chart("Column - Depth");
die $^E if $^E;

die $^E if $^E;

Bob Branick, Client Systems Group Leader, <http://www.barclaysglobal.com/>
email: <mailto:robert.branick@barclaysglobal.com>

> ----------
> From: 	Chris Nandor
> Sent: 	Thursday, September 16, 1999 2:19 PM
> To: 	Branick, Robert  BGI SF
> Cc: 	'macperl@macperl.org'
> Subject: 	Re: [MacPerl] Glue Question
> At 10:14 -0700 1999.09.16, Branick, Robert  BGI SF wrote:
> >$obj->output(enum('jpeg'), to_file => $output_file);
> Hm, that looks OK, I think.  Try checking your error.
>    $obj->output(enum('jpeg'), to_file => $output_file);
>    die $^E if $^E;
> -- 
> Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
> %PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10  1FF77F13 8180B6B6'])

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