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Re: [MacPerl] sleep vs. other method

On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 01:49:01PM -0500, Jefferson R. Lowrey wrote:
> The difficulty I'm having is that this loop terminates before I'd like it
> too.  What's happening is that lines are not being added to the log fast
> enough.
> I could very easily increase the sleep time.  I am also looking into other
> ways of telling if the installs I'm looking at are finished - because
> waiting until the log doesn't change any more is not a great way to do it,
> as it might potentially never stop changing.  That's not very likely, and
> watching the log is the most straightforward method, I think.
> I'm looking for some other ideas, though. I realize that most of you don't
> have netOctopus lying around, but I'm asking about a more general problem.

Isn't this a tail -f type problem?  Have you checked the FAQ's answer to
this question?

If the log is never going to stop changing, how do you know when the install
is done?


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