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Re: [MacPerl] passive input request

Nicholas G. Thornton <Nicholas.G.Thornton@directory.reed.edu> wrote:

> I'm working on a program that I'd like to have command line interface. 
> Ideally it's just sit there with a prompt (ala dos...) untill you type
> something. I was wondering how I'd go about implimenting this rather than
> MacPerl::Ask() to recive input.

Important to chomp() the input first

sub usr_console {
my ($input, $done);

until (defined($done)) {


    $input = <STDIN>;
    if ($input =~ /^some_command_here$/) {
# do command subroutine here
        elsif ($input =~ /^some_other_command$/) {
# do other command subroutine here
        elsif ($input =~ /^quit$/) {
            $done = "1";
        print "$input is meaningless. Perhaps a typo?\n";

As many 'elsif' as you anticipate commands for your "shell."  These are 
very straightforward and simple to write.  You should also probably 
contemplate a simple usage() subroutine which displays a list of 
available commands.



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