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Re: [MacPerl] Problem autoloading IO::Handle

At 08:57 1999-09-21 -0400, Paul J. Schinder wrote:
>At 1:24 PM +0100 9/21/99, Peter Westlake wrote:
>>I have a script that uses FileHandle and IO, and I get the error message
>>"# Can't locate auto/IO/Handle/open.al in @INC." This is fair enough,
>>since there is no such file, but what is looking for it and why? How
>>do I start debugging this?
>By showing us the part of the code that's failing.  FileHandle has an 
>open method, which it inherits from IO::File.  IO::Handle does not 
>have an open method.  Something must be wrong with the code.

Ah, so it's looking for an open method on an IO::Handle object?
A suspicion dawns ... regardless of what Certain Other Platforms
may do, perhaps MacPerl's STDOUT is not a FileHandle! Here's the
code, which works on Windows NT:

# Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to a log file, and restore them again.

package Log;

use FileHandle;
use Carp;
use Complain;
use IO;


my @stack = ();

sub Push
	my $logfile = @_? shift: 'log.txt';
	my $saveout = new IO::File or moan 'could not create $saveout';
	my $saveerr = new IO::File or moan 'could not create $saveerr';
	$saveout->fdopen(STDOUT, '>') or moan "could not fdopen STDOUT: $!";
	$saveerr->fdopen(STDERR, '>') or moan "could not fdopen STDERR: $!";
	push @stack, [$saveout, $saveerr, $logfile];

### The offending line:
	STDOUT->open($logfile, ">>") or moan "could not fdopen STDOUT: $!";
	STDERR->fdopen(STDOUT, ">>") or moan "could not fdopen STDERR: $!";

sub Pop {
	my ($saveout, $saveerr, $logfile) = @{pop @stack};
	STDOUT->fdopen($saveout, '>>') or moan 'could not fdopen $saveout';
	STDERR->fdopen($saveerr, '>>') or moan 'could not fdopen $saveerr';
	return $logfile;

sub Current
	return $stack[$#stack]->[2];


Many thanks,


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