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[MacPerl] file test operator

Dear People,

I'm a little dense and have trouble understanding the syntax of the file
test operator.  I am writing a search engine and need to determine if a
file is text or directory (folder) as I loop through a main directory.
Could someone please spell out how to do this?  I didn't understand the
explanation in MacPerl Power and Ease.  Thanks in advance.


                  (-,-)                     ======        ====
                   (- )                            // \\        II  <>
                /       \                 \ \     \\  \\      II
             @ \#   #/@               \ \__//   \\    II  <>
           @   /   /\  \  @               ---         \\  II
            @   \/    \/  @                               \\II
                @  @    @                                    \\

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