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Re: [MacPerl] 99 bottles

At 8:54 AM -0700 9/21/1999, Elton Hughes wrote:
>I am getting this message when I checked its syntax:
># Can't use subscript on subroutine entry, near "{s}"
>File 'Appland:MacPerl Ÿ:bottles'; Line 34
># (Did you mean $ or @ instead of &?)
># Appland:MacPerl Ÿ:bottles had compilation errors.
>The offending line is:
>$dur{s}   = .25 * $tempo_factor;  # eighth note


I got that error too.  The problem is actually on an
earlier line.

>$tempo_factor = .54; # Increase if song is too fast or ends of words are
>$dur{s}   = .25 * $tempo_factor;  # eighth note

Notice that the word "clipped" should be part of the
comment in the line above, but was probably hard
wrapped in email.

Hope that helps.

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