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Re: [MacPerl] this is a test of the new footer

At 11:54 AM -0700 9/24/99, Vicki Brown wrote:
> I'm checking out how smart Majordomo is...
> David Seay asked if I could put # in front of the "Want to unsibscribe?
> trailer... to make posting scripts to the list a little easier :-)
> For chuckles, I thought I'd try it.

#!perl -w
# I don't do perl by default, but doesn't posting your
# scripts like this have the same effect?

print "hello world!\n";


now you can put your signature here, or majordomo stuff
and it shouldn't affect the script

Jim Correia                                Bare Bones Software, Inc.
correia@barebones.com                     <http://web.barebones.com>

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