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Re: [MacPerl] Droplet and freestanding

On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Henning Michael [iso-8859-1] Møller-Nielsen wrote:

> I have made a script that uses the Droplet ability in it's Mac version,
> unfortunately I'll have to distribute this as a single program file, since
> my corporation doesn't want to install MacPerl on every single machine in
> the house.
> I have tried saving the script as a Droplet, which works as it should, but
> it won't work unless MacPerl is installed. I have tried the other options,
> but none of these seem to have the functionality of the Droplet...

You want to use a Runtime--this is a droplet which includes enough
MacPerl to run by itself.  A Droplet merely launches Perl to run the
indicated script, and passes the files dropped in ARGV.

If you "use" modules in your script, you will find the runtime does not
include them.  To solve this, you need RuntimeBuilder, which looks for all
the modules requested by your script and builds them into the runtime.  

Alternately, there is a way to make a folder in the same directory as the
script which includes all the necessary modules.  This way is a hassle.

Look on MacPerl.com, code examples, for RuntimeBuilder.


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