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Re: [MacPerl] macPerl and DBI

At 9:00 -0700 1999.10.04, jean-Francois Jobidon wrote:
>I'd like to know if it is possible to use DBI with
>mySQL with macPerl.
>I saw in the macPerl book that DBI is not yet
>on Mac. But I saw a new DBI port for Mac on the pudge
>page : http://pudge.net/mmp/
>I ask this question because I spent hours trying
>to use MLDBM whitout any result.
>I need to store and retrieve complexe data structures
>such as objects or a complexe database.

Well, mysql cannot store perl objects, anyway.  Not without MLDBM or
ObjStore or something.  Anyway, there is no mysql library for Mac OS that I
know of.  You can try using DBD::Proxy with MacPerl, though.  See the link
on http://pudge.net/macperl/ for information on how to use DBD::Proxy.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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