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[MacPerl] Using Apple Events

I am a new Perl user and this is my first post to the MacPerl list.
Please bear with me.

I decided that I wanted to learn how to use Quickdraw (and by
consequence windows.pm and events.pm) and that the best way to do this
was to write some applications using QuickDraw. I realize now this might
have been a fools errand as I have little  experience with the mac
toolbox and Perl code for doing this doesn''t really make for easy

I wrote a short program to write box outlines as the user drags around
the window and then print a box with a pattern in it after he lets go of

the mouse - much as is done in virtually every quickdraw based painting

I handled this with Mac::Events using
1) mousedown, mouseup, getting the cursor position and converting it to
local window coordinates;

2) checking to see if the mouse is still down (so as to draw the outline
3) checking for mouse up to draw the final box.

My code is primitive and is really meant just as a learning device for
myself.  It can only be stopped using command-period. I realize that
events drawn into a window might normally have to be handled in the
screen redrawing routine or some such thing in order to be permanent.

My Question Is:  Is there a way to use these Mac::Events features to
read mouse activity without deactivating all of the rest of the mouse
In this script although I can draw boxes I cannot drag the window or use
the close box, grow box, or zoom box.

I would rather not reprogram all of this functions into subroutines for
each and every mouse event.  Is there someway to carry out the mousing
functions I want without losing all of the other mouse event features?

Here is the Code:


use strict;
use Mac::LowMem;
use Mac::QuickDraw;
use Mac::Windows;
use Mac::Events;use Mac::Events;
use Mac::Events qw(@Event $CurrentEvent);

my ($love,$win,$clk,$horz,$vert,$hOrigin,$vOrigin,$h1,$v1,$shape,);

$Event[mouseDown] = \&mouseDown_Handler;
$Event[mouseUp] = \&mouseUp_Handler;

$love = new Pattern q{
       }; # everyones favorite pattern

$win = new MacWindow (
       new Rect (130, 143, 500, 500), #set window with these coordinates

       ' Demo',      #window title
       documentProc,     #window type

 while ($win->window) {   #while window exists

 END {
  $win->dispose() if (defined($win));  #dispose of windows upon ending

sub mouseDown_Handler
   SetPort $win->window;  # I beleive this sets the graphics port to the
   $clk = LMGetMouseLocation(); #get the location of the mouse down
(global coordinates
  $clk = GlobalToLocal($clk);   #translate it into loca window
 ($horz, $vert) = ($clk->h, $clk->v); #convert horizontal and vertical
coordinates to these
 $hOrigin = $horz;  #this will be the origin of the first click
 $vOrigin =$vert;

 $shape = Rect->new($hOrigin, $vOrigin, $horz, $vert);
 RGBForeColor(new_color(0, 50000, 50000));# aqua

 while ( StillDown() )
 $h1=$horz;$v1=$vert;   #set to old mouse coordinates
   SetPort $win->window;
 $clk = LMGetMouseLocation(); #get new mouse coordinates
 $clk = GlobalToLocal($clk);  #convert to local window coordinates
 ($horz, $vert) = ($clk->h, $clk->v); #set new mouse coordinates

 if (($h1 !=$horz) && ($v1 !=$vert))  #Are the new coordinates diff from
the old ones?
   RGBForeColor(new_color(65535, 65535, 65535));# white-couldn't find a
better way to erase!
  FrameRect( Rect->new($hOrigin, $vOrigin, $h1, $v1));  #erase old
Rectanlge outline
  FrameRect( $shape);

  RGBForeColor(new_color(0, 50000, 50000));# aqua Draw new rectangle
  $shape = Rect->new($hOrigin, $vOrigin, $horz, $vert); #use new mouse
else  {        #if they are the same mouse coordinates don't bother
  RGBForeColor(new_color(0, 50000, 50000));# aqua


sub new_color
# a color choosing nicety I got off of this board
 bless(\pack('SSS', @_[0..2]), 'RGBColor');

sub mouseUp_Handler
# If the mouse is released fill the rectangle with hearts

 RGBForeColor(new_color(0, 50000, 50000));# aqua
 FrameRect(Rect->new($hOrigin, $vOrigin, $horz, $vert));
 FillRect(Rect->new($hOrigin, $vOrigin, $horz, $vert), $love);



Thanks, Ilir

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