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[MacPerl] Split help

Hi there-

I'm having quite a bit of problem getting the "split" function to work the way
I'd like it to.

Here's the scenario: (in case anybody would like to pint out a better way to
accomplish this)
I'm reading in the contents of a text file.
I'm looking for a specific phrase in this content ("FOUND ICONS:\n")
I'm looking to extract all the data that comes AFTER this phrase (read it into a
newline delimited array, remove dups, and then...)
Add new data into said file.

Here's how I'm tackling this:

open (SPLITTEST, "icekake:Desktop Folder:testCase") || die "can't open file:
while (<SPLITTEST>){
@splits= split (/"FOUND ICONS:\n"/, <SPLITTEST>);
print STDOUT $splits[1]; #debug code... I want to see the data

I'm expecting to get everything listed AFTER "FOUND ICONS:\n". Instead, I get a
listing of every other line from the entire file!?

Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks much!

- - - - - - - - - - -

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