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[MacPerl] [ANNOUCNE] Mac::Glue 0.58 on CPAN

Changes: v0.58, Tuesday, November 16, 1999

*   Change all of the classes to have Mac:: at the beginning of them
(except for ones that originate elsewhere, like AEDesc, et al).

*   Added Mac::AEParamType and param_type.

This allows you to override the glue's default for a parameter data type.

*   If a parameter expects an AE object specifier record, and is not passed
one, then it guesses the type and sets it to either typeChar or typeInteger.

So if you pass "foo" and an object is expected, then it will go ahead and
said it as text or integer, instead of trying to squeeze it into an object
descriptor.  This can be useful when, for example, an open() event accepts
either an object or plain text.

*   Made the conversion of keys into English names recursive with lists, in
addition to records (i.e., lists can contain multiple records).

It was not fully recursive before, thanks to Axel Rose for help debugging this.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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