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Re: [MacPerl] Strange time output

>#! perl -w
>($day, $month, $year) = (localtime) [3,4,5];
>$timestamp = sprintf("%02d-%02d-%02d\n", $year, $month+1, $day);
>print "$timestamp";
>this produces:
>Shouldn't it produce:
>Can anyone tell me why this happens? $year is formatted to be two digits I
>can't see how I suddenly get three... and 100 at that.

No, this is documented (and correct) behavior.  See perlfunc.pod for 

	localtime EXPR	

		Converts a time as returned by the time function to a 9-element array 
with the time 
  analyzed for the local time zone.  Typically used as follows:

		    #  0    1    2     3     4    5     6     7     8
		    ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =

		All array elements are numeric, and come straight out of a struct tm. 
In particular
  this means that $mon has the range 0..11 and $wday has the range 0..6 
with sunday
  as day 0.  Also, $year is the number of years since 1900, that is, 
$year is 123 in
  year 2023.

		If EXPR is omitted, uses the current time (localtime(time)).

		In a scalar context, returns the ctime(3) value:

		    $now_string = localtime;  # e.g., "Thu Oct 13 04:54:34 1994"

		Also see the Time::Local module, and the strftime(3) and mktime(3) 
function available
  via the POSIX module. 

Brian McNett, Webmaster
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