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Re: [MacPerl] BSDgames caesar in perl (rot13 followup)

On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 11:59:34AM -0800, Brian McNett wrote:
> ># This has been converted from perl to C by Geoffrey Kinnel, 11 Jan 2000
> ># original copyright notice of the caesar.c program is included
> ># below.
> Oops, looks like you have that reversed.  I think you mean "converted TO 
> Perl FROM C".
> Since the Perl Power Tools project is in need of an implementation of 
> caesar, you might submit this there as well.  Thanx!

Here's the implementation I submitted to the PPT project last week,
following the inspiration from this list.  (Thanks, list!)  It is based on
the same caesar.c file that Geoffrey based his implementation on; he sent
the C file to me in response to my request on the list.  (Thanks,
Geoffrey!)  It is, therefore, very similar to his implementation, although
mine reads from STDIN like the original.  :)


#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /Revision:\s*(\S*)/;

# optional argument specifies rotation
if (@ARGV) {
    my $rot = $ARGV[0];
    @ARGV = ();
    exit 0;

# determine most-likely rotation

# letter frequencies (taken from some unix(tm) documentation)
# (unix is a trademark of Bell Laboratories)
my @freq =
    (7.97, 1.35, 3.61, 4.78, 12.37, 2.01, 1.46, 4.49, 6.39, 0.04,
     0.42, 3.81, 2.69, 5.92,  6.96, 2.91, 0.08, 6.63, 8.77, 9.68,
     2.62, 0.81, 1.88, 0.23,  2.07, 0.06,

# adjust frequency table; make low frequencies really low
foreach (@freq) {
    $_ = log($_) + log(26 / 100);

# letter counts for input
my @count = ((0) x 26);

my $inbuf;
my $LINELENGTH = 2048;
my $len;

if (not defined($len = read(STDIN, $inbuf, $LINELENGTH))) {
    die "$0: Error reading from stdin: $!\n";

if (!$len) {
    exit 0;

# count letters in input
foreach (split //, $inbuf) {
    next unless tr/a-zA-Z//;            # skip non-letters
    $count[ord(lc $_) - ord('a')]++;

my $try;
my $winner;
my $winnerdot = 0;

# calculate dot-product of standard frequencies and current counts
# for each possible rotation; save best fit
for ($try = $winner = 0; $try < 26; ++$try) {
    my $dot = 0;
    my $i;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 26; ++$i) {
        $dot += $count[$i] * $freq[($i + $try) % 26];
    if ($dot > $winnerdot) {
        # got a new winner!
        $winner = $try;
        $winnerdot = $dot;

# rotate according to $winner
rotate($winner, $inbuf);

exit 0;

sub rotate {
    my $rot = shift @_;
    my $replace;

    if ($rot < 0 or $rot =~ /\D/) {
        die "$0: Bad rotation value: $rot\n";

    $rot %= 26;

    # construct replacement class
    $replace = chr(ord('A')+$rot) . '-ZA-' . chr(ord('A')+$rot-1);
    $replace .= lc($replace);

    # process input buffer, if applicable
    $_ = '';
    if (@_) {
        $_ = shift @_;

    # process input
    eval <<EOEVAL;
    do {
    } while (<>);



=head1 NAME

B<caesar> - decrypt caesar ciphers


B<caesar> [I<rotation>]


B<caesar> attempts to decrypt caesar ciphers using English letter
frequency statistics.  B<caesar> reads from standard input and writes
to standard output.

If the optional numeric argument I<rotation> is used, B<caesar> will
rotate by that many letters.  Otherwise B<caesar> will try all 26
possible rotations and choose whichever seems most likely according to
the frequency statistics.

Caesar ciphers involve rotating the letters in the input through the
alphabet by a specified number.  The original cipher, devised by
Julius Caesar, involved a rotation of three letters; A becomes D, B
becomes E, C becomes F, etc.  A 13-letter rotation is often used in
newsgroup postings.

The frequencies used in this implementation are:

    E 12.37, T 9.68, S 8.77, A 7.97, O 6.96, R 6.63, I 6.39, N 5.92,
    D  4.78, H 4.49, L 3.81, C 3.61, P 2.91, M 2.69, U 2.62, Y 2.07,
    F  2.01, W 1.88, G 1.46, B 1.35, V 0.81, K 0.42, X 0.23, Q 0.08,
    Z  0.06, J 0.04

=head1 BUGS

This implementation of B<caesar> has no known bugs.

=head1 AUTHOR

This implementation of B<caesar> in Perl was written by Ronald J
Kimball, I<rjk@linguist.dartmouth.edu>.  Based on caesar.c from the
NetBSD games distribution, by Stan King and John Eldridge, which was
based on an algorithm suggested by Bob Morris.


    $Log: caesar.ppt,v $
    Revision 1.1  2000/01/07 21:56:27  rjk
    Initial revision


This program is copyright 2000 by Ronald J Kimball.

This program is free and open software.  You may use, modify, or
distribute this program (and any modified variants) in any way you
wish, provided you do not restrict others from doing the same.


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