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Re: [MacPerl] Unix daemons in MacPerl (step two)

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Brian McNett wrote:

> I should be able to hide the menubar, and perform similar half-measures 
> to approximate such behavior, but what's really needed here is a 
> different (even more minimal) wrapper for the runtime interpreter.  I'm 
> neither willing nor able to provide such, and I doubt there'll be any 
> volunteers.

Sounds like what you need is an FBA form of ToolServer that could run the
macperl tool.  What a wacky thing that would be!  (I'm not sure
it would be useful.  It might be like a life-size replica of one of the
_Titanic_'s lifeboats in your living room. )

One key problem is that under Unix a daemon or any process gets
automatically "put to sleep" when waiting for input, and automatically
brought back up when input arrives.  Any attempt to duplicate Unix daemons
will surely run into this and other platform barriers.  Sure, you can hack
and work around 'em, but there's no place like MacOS X, Toto.

(Wow!  Two barely relevant movie refs in one post--I'm on a roll!)


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