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[MacPerl] Date formats on Mac --> MacPerl Money program now on hold

The other week I wrote about Quicken 5 not being Y2K compliant
in the reporting module. It would only accept two digit years in
dates, and rejected 00 as a year.

Yesterday, I wanted to solved the problem of Superclock
displaying the date as 2/2/0. I wanted 2/2/2000.
I opened the Mac control panel called "Date and Time",
clicked on "Date Formats" and selected the "Show Century"
checkbox. Lo and behold, Quicken now accepts four digit years
in the report menus, and the program works.  

Therefore I have abandoned work on my MacPerl Personal Finance
program which I did get working to the point of saving transactions.

An interesting point on the design of this program: I decided to
save transactions as tab delimited text files instead of DBM files.
My program read the Category file and loaded key data into various
hashes. Transactions were "pushed" onto an array, and both files
written out to disk regularly and at the end of the program.

I could have tied a hash to a DBM file, but decided it was easier
to use flat files which could be opened directly in Excel, instead
of having to write export/import code.

If only MySQL was available for System 7.1  ....

Charles Cave

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